Plastic is extremely detrimental to our planet, and can take up to 1000 years to break down, so it’s no surprise that it is the biggest cause of pollution in the world. As consumers, it is our responsibility to reduce the amount of plastic we use. Making conscious decisions on the products we buy and how we store them is again up to us. 

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Sustainable australian brands

We love conscious projects like Thinc Eco a sustainable brand producing plastic free products, for everyday use to help minimize the plastic consumption. The girls behind Thinc Eco, Hannah Dunkley and Andonia Kailis have put together a list of ways to live a more plastic-free life. 

Their range of products are made from resourceful materials such as bamboo, wheat and organic cotton. They have shared 5 easy tips to help you go plastic free in 2021. Easy Ways to Go Plastic-free

1. Carry reusable bags

This is something we have been hearing about for years now, but it is a great way to cut down on plastic and such an easy habit to get into. A lot of grocery stores still provide plastic bags for you to use, however an easy alternative to plastic are reusable produce bags. By always having reusable cotton produce bags in your bag is an easy habit we can all practice. 

2. Use your own containers 

Single use plastic containers are becoming less and less common. However if you’re someone who is still using plastic containers to pack your lunch then now would be a great time to stop. What to use instead of plastic?

A great alternative to plastic, is bamboo. Did you know that bamboo is an extremely sustainable material and has antifungal properties? Biodegradable Bamboo Lunchboxes, are perfect for your lunch on the go or to store leftovers in and are safe from any chemicals that most plastics carry.

3. Cut out packaged drinks & snacks

Rather than buying packaged snacks and drinks such as juices, water, chips, chocolate or lollies, instead, try making your own. Firstly it’s much healthier, and you’ll know exactly what you’re eating, but you’ll also be saving a ton of money. 

4. Cleaning products

A great way to minimise your plastic use, is to make your own cleaning essentials. A lot of the cleaning products sold at the supermarket are not only packaged in plastic but also carry a lot of harmful chemicals. Make your own all purpose cleaner to help banish unnecessary packaging. 

5. Toothbrushes |how to avoid plastic

Did you know that 3.5 billion toothbrushes are sold worldwide, every year? Most of which get lost in the recycling process and end up in landfill or make their way into rivers and oceans. Plastic toothbrushes also take up to 400 years to decompose. By making the switch to a biodegradable bamboo toothbrush, you are taking a step in the right direction.

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Easy Ways to Go Plastic-free

General FAQs

How can I go plastic for free?

Buy products that are made from resourceful materials such as bamboo, wheat and organic cotton.
1. Shop with reusable shopping bags.
2. Buy milk and juices in glass bottles.
3. Shop at the farmer’s market. … 
4. Buy your goods in bulk.

What are the ways to avoid plastic?

1. Avoid drinking straws.
2. Take a cloth bag if you are going to shopping
3. Replace plastic Tupperware for glass or steel containers.
4. Replace plastics toothbrushes for biodegradable bamboo toothbrushes.

What can I use instead of plastic?

1. Stainless steel.
2.Beeswax-coated cloth.
3. Natural fibre cloth.
4. Wood.
5. Bamboo.
6. Pottery.