It’s not always easy knowing which treatments are right for you and your skin. If you’re struggling with fine lines and wrinkles, you might be wondering how to get things back on track. anti-wrinkle injections

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To find out how best to mitigate the signs of ageing, we caught up with Dr Tony Prochazka, Cosmetic Surgeon at Cosmetic Avenue, Melbourne to answer some of your most pressing skin questions.

What’s the actual difference between filler and anti-wrinkle injections?

Dermal fillers are made to fill and plump out the skin to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, whereas anti-wrinkle injections work by relaxing the muscles in the face to prevent new wrinkles from forming, they also smooth out existing lines.

I’m ready for anti-wrinkle injections, but am nervous I’ll end up with a frozen face?

This is a misconception that many have around anti-wrinkle injections and plastic surgery in general. In the majority of cases, however, the problem doesn’t lie with the procedure or product, itself, but the technique in how it’s prescribed.

At Cosmetic Avenue, we believe that anti-wrinkle injections are precision tools. Injections should be treated like a scalpel rather than a hammer and should be used for small-scale, localised treatments.

Ideally, they should be used to target specific areas of your face and wrinkles. They are not cure-alls that can reverse all the signs of ageing, but they can provide you with that refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

Some patients misunderstand this and resort to anti-wrinkle injections as a final resort for ageing. Many end up receiving excessive injections to target their entire face – something anti-wrinkle injections are not designed to do. The result? An unnatural result and an inability to create facial expressions.

Is there an ‘ideal age’ to have a facelift?

In a nutshell, no – what matters is your appearance and not age. It is a question of how much a person is bothered by something that can be fixed with a facelift. In general, this process begins in the early forties, with the most common age for a facelift being in the mid-fifties. The oldest age is limited only by the health of a patient.

Say I take the plunge and opt for a face-lift, when can I get back to my usual social life?

The majority of patients resume normal social activities within two weeks. Your doctor will advise you on this point as there are some follow-up requirements to ensure the best result.

What is your advice to everyone regarding their skin?

Considering we live in a country with some of the harshest UV rays in the world, my advice is to stay on top of prevention, then please have regular skin checks. You need to catch cancers early. Start good skincare and in-clinic treatments early, and always look after your neck when you’re looking after your face.

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