On the hunt for a better night sleep, we’ve probably tried near everything. From herbs to foam rolling and face massages, plus all the conventional advice on caffeine too. But the reality is that there is no one answer that works for — everyone — however, you can find what really works for you, your routine and your body. Having a good quality sleep has multiple positive long-term health benefits associated with the overall quality of life, so Co-founder of The Base Collective, Cassie Sanghvi, gives the CF team her expert tips on the best natural remedies for the best night’s sleep.

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7 Natural Sleep Remedies


Upon waking, try and get outside for 5-10 minutes and expose your eyes to natural sunlight. Bonus points if you pair this with a walk to get your daily steps in! If this is unrealistic for you, consider sleeping with an eye mask but keep the blinds open so you have access to sunlight as soon as you wake.

If this still doesn’t work for you, even just sitting to eat breakfast in the sun can do the trick! The theory is sunshine may play a role in regulating our circadian rhythm and natural melatonin production. This is especially a good one for those of us who find they wake at 2-3am and have trouble getting back to sleep.


Not only can eating too close to bedtime make you uncomfortably full, but it can prevent quality sleep as it activates our digestive system and our insulin levels rise which can in turn lead to disrupted sleep throughout the night. Sometimes we can confuse hunger with tiredness, so those late cravings may just be your body telling you that it’s ready for rest. Ideally, we should stop eating 2-3 hours before our head hits the pillow.


Have a warm to hot shower 1-2 hours before bedtime. The theory is that when you get out of the shower the decrease in body temperature causes a natural rise in melatonin production and helps you to achieve restorative sleep. Combine your shower with our Beauty Sleep Wash which has the Magnesium to soothe your skin, and Lavender Angustifolia and Chamomile Extract (traditionally used in relaxation therapies around the world!) to calm your mind into a state ready for sleep. 


Included in its plethora of benefits for the skin and body, Magnesium is also critical in our end of day wind-down process and getting a good night’s sleep. Not only does it help to relieve stress and tension to help you achieve a deeper restful sleep, but it also can help to regulate your melatonin production levels which guides sleep-wake cycles in your body.


Ditch the wine for chamomile tea (well, at least try for a few alcohol-free nights a week!) before bed. Although you might be fooled into thinking alcohol can help you to nod off, alcohol actually decreases the quality of the all-important REM sleep meaning you will wake feeling like you haven’t slept at all – and no one wants that!


Consider seeing a professional to have it checked out. Snoring is linked to Sleep Apnoea and people with this condition can be associated with significant health implications. The good news is there are a lot of simple and accessible solutions available which can not only help to stop snoring (and reduce irritation!), but also to achieve quality sleep.


Whatever you do, keep it on repeat! Quality sleep is all about having a consistent routine and sticking to it. Similar bedtime, similar room temperature, similar pyjama’s EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! Just like kids, adults also benefit when they have a bedtime routine. Doing the same thing before bed each night will help prepare your body for rest and condition your brain for sleep. Adjusting habits to go to bed and rise at a similar time will also help to reinforce a healthy sleep-wake schedule. Over time, working with your body clock will result in getting to sleep around the same time every night.

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