Let’s explore the Best Meditation Application and Self-Care apps. Do you need a Morning routine calling or looking to be more productive, Need a break from all the chaos from the day, track fitness goals, or aim to sleep better? The definition of self-care is perspectively different for everyone. Still, the central part of it is spending time for better wellbeing. It is all about finding the right balance for your body and mind and your mental health. To guide you through the hard times of 2021, our team has listed some of the best meditation applications that will support your self-care.

“Just 10 minutes in your morning will drive into more awareness, being present and even build up that confidence within yourself.”

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5 Best Meditation Application & Self Care Apps

1. Headspace

headspace one of the best meditation application guides for calming and body awareness methods to assist anxiety stress and sleep logo

If you’re just starting out with meditation or would like a guided program, this one is the best place to start. With an easy and straightforward interface, it’ll nicely guide the progress through the basics of learning, such as sitting quietly and calming an active mind. Then, teaching breathing and body awareness methods exercises to assist with anxiety, stress, and sleep guidance. Don’t say no because with three, five or 10-minute segments for beginners, it’ll really make the difference.

Subscription Price:

Monthly $19.99 AUD / Annual currently on special for $55.19

2. Lumosity

Lumosity on an phone a brain training application for cognitive exercise, a science based games app

Training your brain and learning how it can be used to its full potential, the Lumosity application provides a platform for daily cognitive exercises to improve memory, increase focus, and feel alive. The games will sharpen problem-solving skills, memory, attention, flexibility, and processing speed through scientifically proven activities. Training the skills that are your concerns, the app allows you to personalise the learning process and train your brain at a level and pace you choose. As a result, you will feel like playing a game while improving your cognitive skills and feeling relaxed.

Subscription Price:

Free to join to limited access/ Individual, Friends and Family, Team, Gift Subscriptions available.

3. Fabulous

Fabulous logo motivational application, that builds long term goals to reality. Yellow moon, stick figure looking into the surreal space.

What sets Fabulous apart from all the other motivation-based apps is its pacing. Its plans are based around 15 days cycles that implement slow change to build long-term habits rather than one-offs that yield quick results. So easy and chill to navigate, your only duty is to set up a goal: feel more energized, lose weight, sleep better, or focus more.

screen shot of Fabulous on iphone, meaningful and deep work 4 hour of intense focus exercise

Subscription Price:

Monthly subscriptions from $4.16 / Premium subscription from $24.99 every semester.

4. Shine

Shine self care application to calm anxiety and stress logo with the word and yellow text box

Shine, its unique feature Shine Text, gives you daily messages in the form of affirmations throughout the day packed with words of encouragement and links to inspirational content. This digital wellness buddy is a cross between traditional meditation and personalized coaching.

Subscription Price:

Free for limited access/ $64.99 yearly subscription for full access.

5. MindDoc

	MindDoc logo an application for mental health support, green mountains

It’s set to prioritize your mental health, as the app goal is to support you through difficult times and guide you out the other side. If you are looking for balance during periods of high stress, it’ll be your new mental coach. The general time frame of use is 2 weeks after this. MindDoc gives you a summary to track your progress where you can either choose to continue or leave depending on your results.

moodpath application screen shot, reasons to be happy, and the level of emotional health. Application tabs of journal, treatment, discover and profile

Subscription Price:

Range from $4.49 to $47.99.

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Is there Free meditation app?

Some of the application listed above are free. But here are some more free meditation application that you may want to try.