Just like everyone loves and appreciates a thoughtful gift, people like anything that strengthen them fully into being present and make them feel the best version of themselves: a scent, a lotus eye pillow, a bath tea, and all else. Wrap it up in a beautiful and conscious package and get yourself a gift (or more than one) that feels as original and unexpected as it does indulgent — bonus— with minimal impact on our earth and luxurious too! 

From an exclusive lotus eye pillow to -spirit-rousing lotus eye mask that will put your entire mind in an aromatherapeutic cloud, the idea here is pure, over-the-top delight. But how to relax? Wellness items are something that we usually dive into over and over. Whatever level you’re at— sacred remedy or in need of therapeutic experience — we see you. These stunning products from Acala Stem are absolutely irresistible.

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How to Relax & Sleep?

Call it rest, call it relaxation, pretty much anything that gives your body a chance to recover is encouraged. Bonus points if those behaviours give your mind an extra peaceful moment. 

We all agreed that one of the biggest factors in overall health is a good night sleep; however, sometimes it is not easy. If you’re seriously struggling to get in a good night’s rest and can’t figure out why to consider adding some habits into your nighttime routine that helps you relax and reset. We recommend you this Acala Stem 100% Pure Lotus Beauty Sleep Mask — Lotus is a sacred symbol of spirituality, healing and wellbeing for thousands of years — and this ultra-soft, fabric sleep mask is just soothing, calming, incredible for the skin and you should have it next to your bedside table.

How to relax acala stem

how to relax

Stress Management and how to relax

Stress-busting strategies are very useful if they are enjoyable. For centuries eastern philosophers have sworn by the Lotus’s remedial healing abilities, which they believe can aid the treatment of anxiety, fertility, headaches, heart ailments, asthma and lung issues.

Many health benefits of lotus stem can be attributed to its unique blend of phytonutrients, vitamins & minerals, plus the manganese content of lotus stem is beneficial to bone health & reduces inflammation. 

With their lightweight and soft fabric, these little pillows penetrate a nerve just below the surface called the ‘vagus’ nerve. This pressure on the vagus nerve is known to lower heart rate, a phenomenon called the oculocardiac reflex. The vagus nerve runs from the brain into organs in the neck, chest, and abdomen, and It is its responsibility to regulate heart rate, digestion, and regulate mood.  

Make a difference in your day and take some time to restore your body and soul. Lay back and let mother earth do all the work. Create a private moment, treat yourself and observe the time standing still. You can also use this lotus eye pillow during your morning ritual as it’s a great complement to your meditation or yoga savasana practice. 

The best part? You can top up with your favourite aromatherapy scents to ensure you’ll be using your eye pillow for years —- Bonus point — for every purchase you will supporting and empowering women in Cambodia to become financially independent, with a fair wage and flexible working conditions. I’m sold. 

How To Relax
how to relax

Cosmic Flow – Hot Lotus Petals Bath

Did you know that Cleopatra loved the lotus flower? She would take a lotus bath every day and would also use the perfume of the lotus blossom to scent the sails of her royal ship. We can take our love for ultimate indulgence and energy healers with many approaches. A hot bath is deeply relaxing. And soaking in lotus petals takes the ritual to another level. With Acala Stem Lotus Bath Tea, you get the benefits of a therapeutic experience, intensified by a full moon ceremony, plus it’s packaged into our beautiful glass bottles. 

Sprinkle a small amount into your bath on the night of each full moon for a goddess ceremony. Let the tea infuse in the bath for 5 minutes before stepping in, and let the ultimate indulgence begin.

Here is where we should start to remind ourselves: Some ME-time is necessary, and a winter reset can lend itself to a comforting, rewarding, and downright cozy state of mind. The key is to focus and add good things into your day that makes us feel good instead of all the self-imposed rules that make us feel stressed and unhappy with ourselves. Think about these little habits as a lifestyle equivalent good for you, with the power to brighten a dull day or night. 

This is brought to you by Acala Stem

Featured Image via @morningchinesemedicine