Indoor cycling probably isn’t the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about exercising at home. Yet, it can be a terrific choice for entry-level workout enthusiasts. Workout using a stationary bike is recommended for people who want to improve their stamina and endurance, strengthen their core muscles, and lose weight.

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However, just as with any other exercise, there are certain precautions you should take into account when dedicating yourself to a stationary bike workout. For starters, you need to conduct a proper warm-up, set up the bike correctly, and follow a workout program tailored to your needs.

Workout using a stationary bike comes with a long list of benefits. For instance, it allows you to control the intensity of your training and exercise regardless of weather conditions. So, if you are considering implementing indoor cycling into your exercise routine, or start exercising with a stationary bike, check out this guide!

Choose the Right Bike for You

The first thing you should do is choose the right stationary bike for you. Nevertheless, this process is not as simple as it may sound. You need to ensure the model you choose is of the right size and is appropriate for reaching your fitness goals.

Select the Right Size

The right bike size depends on your body type, cycling uses, and personal preference. If you opt for an upright bike, its handlebars should be at the level of your shoulders. Besides, it should have a saddle placed in the most comfortable position, where your legs will not fully extend when pedalling.

Keep in mind that the correct bike size for men and women is not the same. Men’s models should have their handlebars set a few inches higher than the saddle, while women’s handlebars should be at the same level as the saddle.

To make the right choice, measure your height, the length of your inside leg, and the frame size of your chosen bike. This way, you can pick a model that’s roughly the right fit for you.

Select The Right Type

There are many types of stationary bikes. The most common type is magnetic, meaning that it uses a magnet instead of a flywheel. This type is more affordable but also has its drawbacks. The magnets can lose their power, and you will have to change them. On the other hand, it is virtually silent and allows for precise adjustment of resistance.

Alternatively, you can choose a belt-driven bike if you are looking for a sturdier machine that will last for years. This type may be a little louder, but it is easier to maintain and repair and doesn’t degrade with time.

If you don’t want to spend too much on a stationary bike, or if you plan to use it only occasionally, you can go with a folding bike. It is easy to set up and fold down, so you can easily store it in the corner of your room when not in use.

Finally, you can opt for an upright exercise bike or a recumbent bike. While the former keeps you in a conventional riding position, the latter allows you to sit in a reclined position in a broader, more comfortable seat.

Pick the Right Attire for Cycling

You may also want to consider wearing suitable attire when riding a stationary bike. Although you don’t need a dedicated cycling outfit, you should wear loose clothes that will not restrict your movements. Make sure your clothes are breathable and comfortable, so the sweat can be easily removed.

While it is not necessary to wear shoes when using a stationary bike, if you have one pair of biking shoes, they can come in handy. Using them will provide you with better support than regular sneakers and help you avoid sustaining injuries. If you don’t have any shoes to use on the bike, you can simply wear socks.

Warm Up Before Cycling

One can’t stress enough how important a proper warm-up is. It will improve your flexibility and range of motion, minimize the risk of injuries, and get your body ready for the incoming effort.

There are no specific exercises to do before starting a workout on the bike. With that said, you can warm up by walking for about 5 minutes, doing some stretches, and even practising some cycling movements and pedalling in place. Once you feel ready, you can begin with the actual workout.

Come Up With an Exercise Plan

Using a stationary bike is a little different from regular outdoor cycling. Although it still lets you improve your leg muscles and help your joints, there is no freewheeling, meaning you have to pedal constantly to make further progress. It makes indoor cycling much more challenging and exhausting.

So, while you can do long distances on your regular bike, you should start with shorter distances on your stationary one. You can do this by choosing a higher resistance level and a slower pace or simply doing intervals. For example, you can start with ten minutes of low-intensity pedalling, increase the resistance level and pedal for two minutes, and repeat this process four times.

Find the Perfect Resistance Level

A proper resistance level is crucial for indoor cycling. You should start with a lower resistance until you get used to pedalling on a stationary bike and then work your way up. Once you can maintain a steady cadence at a particular rpm, you can switch to a higher resistance level on your bike.

Combine Indoor Cycling With Other Exercises

Although indoor cycling is a superb cardio exercise, it leaves your upper body parts mostly unused. To avoid muscle imbalances, you could combine indoor cycling with other activities, such as weight lifting or bodyweight exercises. You can also do some stretching and yoga to improve your range of motion and flexibility.

Maintain a Proper Posture

Your posture is crucial for riding a stationary bike without exposing yourself to unnecessary risks. You want to keep your head level and aligned with your spine, shoulders back, and chest out. Also, your lower back should be supported by the saddle. Make sure your behind is not hanging out of the saddle, and don’t forget to breathe regularly while exercising.

In Conclusion

Indoor cycling is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. It is convenient, cost-effective, and an excellent alternative for people who don’t like spending much time outdoors. Still, before you can reap the numerous benefits this activity has to offer, you need to make some much-needed preparations.

Make sure you prepare yourself for the workout correctly, ride a stationary bike at the proper resistance level, and follow your workout program. You should also pick suitable attire for your workout sessions and warm up before hopping on a bike. Once you have these points in mind, every cycling session will be an enjoyable experience!

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