With over 1 in 8 Australians feeling some level of stress and one in four people experiencing anxiety at some stage in their lives, it’s clear there is a real opportunity for strategies to improve this. Many of us might not currently consider a 10 minute mindfulness practice as part of our daily health routine, but in general, no matter our spiritual or religious beliefs, most of us can agree that cultivating more downtime or stillness in frantic modern life can make a huge difference. Stillness and mindfulness have been shown to enhance your pre-frontal cortex, which is associated with higher-order brain functions such as focus, awareness and decision-making.

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Incorporating a daily mindfulness practice is something that has always been important to the Stoned Crystal’s founder Ashley Bellino. “I try to reflect and have a moment of stillness or meditation during my day. I use my crystals to make sacred spaces around my home that inspire me to live mindfully and welcome peace and calm.” 

Crystals are known to invoke healing properties relevant to their crystalline structure. By using crystals as an aid during meditation and through mindfulness we are able to still the chatter of the mind and encourage more healthy thought patterns.

The importance of mindfulness in the modern world.

With the rise of technology, we are bombarded by screens and devices all day, every day. Our homes and workspaces are becoming increasingly overcome by computers and various mobile devices. As much as I love technology, I also relish the opportunity to switch off and disconnect. Treating your brain like a muscle allows you to create a balance between being mentally active and giving your mind the rest it requires.

Crystals, especially shaped crystals, not only look beautiful when styled but also offer us a natural and tactile distraction to negate stress and improve mindfulness. 

Feeling the vibration and frequency of crystals.

At an atomic level, our universe is in a constant state of vibration. Crystals are extremely good at holding a stable vibration due to their crystalline lattice structure. We, on the other hand, are a very complex mix of vibrations that can easily be disturbed and become unbalanced, which makes us sick and unwell. All kinds of things can affect our vibration, from external influences, such as electromagnetic and geopathic stress, to internal ones, such as constant negative thought patterns and suppressing emotions. 

Health benefits associated with crystals.

Crystals emit high and steady vibrations that help to create balance within oneself and Zen into the spaces around us. It is for this reason that for thousands of years, crystals have been used for their powerful healing properties. 

We all know that setting your mindset with a positive outlook can return positive life experiences. In much the same way, setting crystals with positive intentions is the best way to manifest the things you wish to attract into your life. Crystals amplify whatever energy or intent is programmed into it and continues to broadcast that energy throughout the world.

Creating sacred spaces with crystals.

Place crystals in the spaces around you and you will begin to notice subtle changes in yourself and the energy in the environment. Stoned Crystals come in natural geometric shapes that provide a stylish, unique and natural element in the modern home and office. 

Incorporating crystals into your meditation and mindfulness practices.

By using crystals as an aid during meditation and through mindfulness we are able to still the chatter of the mind and also eliminate negative thought patterns. We all know that setting your mindset with a positive outlook can return positive life experiences. In much the same way, setting crystals with positive intentions is the best way to manifest the things you wish to attract into your life. If for nothing other than their tactile benefits, rolling these shapes around in your hands releases your mind from the automatic reactions and high-intensity nature of life and allows the mind to be still for a moment.

Ashley Bellino’s daily mindfulness practices.

She tries to reflect and have at least one moment of stillness or meditation during her day. Here are 3 rituals she uses to practice mindfulness:

  1. Place different crystals around my home: She uses her crystals to make sacred spaces in different living areas that inspire her to live mindfully and welcome peace and calm. In her bedroom for example, she has an Onyx Lamp that provides a warm and gentle glow to help her relax at night. And, by placing them around her home and holding them they act as reminders to keep her thoughts and actions in line with her intentions.
  2. Create an altar: a dedicated place to call home for all of her most sacred items. It’s here that she can shut off the world, be still and surround herself with the things that provide her with support and mental clarity. She uses her soapstone Incense Tower, closes her eyes and focuses on her other senses, which allows her to be present, re-focus, recharge and get ready for the day. 
  3. Setting intentions for the day: She also calls on particular crystals and also her own designed Intention card deck to help her set intentions for that day and what she chooses to manifest into this world. She chooses crystals that she feels from an energetic perspective, have the properties she needs to focus on and bring into her life. 

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