I love to run. I have completed two City2Surfs as well as running regularly 2-3 times a week. But I have bad ankles, and because of this, I only run on my toes and no matter how much I stretch before and after a run, the muscles in my calves are always so tight I can barely walk the day after.

I was introduced to the Madame Magnesium products a few months ago and honestly I was a little sceptical. I’ve tried magnesium powders in the past without much luck. I had just accepted my fate – that I would forever have to deal with muscle soreness.

Then I started using the Meta Cell Armour Mg Soul Balm on the bottoms of my feet a couple of times a week. A thin, runny consistency, with a rather unappealing smell, I wasn’t really sure I was making the right decision, but within a week I was already beginning to notice the difference.

What is Meta Cell Armour Mg Soul Balm?

Meta Cell Armour Magnesium Cream is a concentrated organic nourishing cream rich in concentrated magnesium chloride.

Not drying on the skin, not itchy and no more sting like other magnesium oils and magnesium sprays on the market, the Meta Cell Armour Mg Soul Balm is organic, 100% natural with no nasty additives!

This cream is efficiently absorbed, formulated to detoxify, prevent and protect against degenerative cell health and inflammation. Applied topically, bioavailable increasing Magnesium levels, while aiding the body to naturally restore and protect itself to improve gut/bowel/brain wellness and to help the body with pain and inflammation.

Who is Madame Magnesium?

Madame Magnesium AKA Tanya Hickey is a Sydney mum who was on the lookout for something to help her children who required gastrointestinal healing and therefore a higher level of magnesium, but one that didn’t have the itchiness and sting of other magnesium oils.

Tanya recognises the health benefits of magnesium being bone health, calcium absorption, diabetes prevention, heart health, migraine headaches, reduce symptoms of PMS and relieving anxiety, and she has produced an array of products to assist.

Overall Recommendation?

I am surprised by how much I like this product. Does it work? Yes. Would I recommend it to others? Absolutely!

If you are a regular gym-goer like me, this product will transform the way you work out, but what I like most about this product is the number of health benefits covered in just one 50ml tub.

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