Dru Moon Sequence (Chandra Namaskara) by Adie Robertson

With the super moon tonight, this sequence is at its most potent at this time. Practice it over the next few days for maximum benefit. Your body consists of 75% water and the position of the moon in the sky affects the water in your body equally as it affects all water on the earth. Emotions are influenced by the pull of the moon.

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The super moon sequence deeply affects the way you think and your capacity to change and adapt to life. Throughout this sequence, visualise that you are beneath the soothing, restful rays of the moon.

The super moon sequence balances the kidneys. It massages and soothes the abdominal organs, improving digestion and consequently enhancing all body functions. It also helps balance hormonal activity and the mind and emotions will become calm.

Follow these easy steps to tune in with the last super moon of 2020

1. Adopt a kneeling position with your palms together in front

of your heart. Gently breathe in and lift the sternum and

lengthen the spine.

2. Still kneeling, breathe out and step forward with the right leg,

shin vertical to the floor and knee above the ankle.

3. Breathe in turn the hands. Breathe out extend your arms in 

front of you at heart level.

4. Breathe in, open your arms and feel the rib cage and lungs

expand and the chest open.

5. Breathe out turn your palms to face up.

6. Breathe in and slowly raise your arms until palms touch.

Relax your neck and lift from the hips.

7. Breathe out and lower arms to shoulder height in front of you, 

palms together.

8. Breathe in, open your arms sideways, feel the expansion.

9. Breathe out and with core stability contracted, lower your right

hand or fingertips to rest on the floor outside the right foot.

Feel the twist in your spine as you gaze up at the extended

left hand.

10. Gently turning your head look down at your

right foot, hold momentarily.

11. Breathe in and rising from the hips return to an upright

kneeling position with arms extended sideways.

12. Breathe out and with core stability contracted, lower your left 

hand or fingertips to rest on the floor inside the right foot.

Feel the twist in your spine as you gaze up at the extended

right hand.

13. Gently turning your head look down at your

left foot, hold momentarily.

14. Breathe in and rising from the hips return to an upright

kneeling position with arms extended sideways.

15. Breathe out, turn the palms to face up.

16. Breathe in and slowly raise your arms until palms touch.

Relax your neck and lift from the hips.

17. Breathe out and lower arms to shoulder height in front of you, 

palms together.

18. Breathe in and draw hands together into sternum whilst

drawing the right leg back into a kneeling position.

19. Repeat the sequence on your left side.

20. Rest in the Crocodile Pose (Makrasana)

Move into an inclined plane by placing your hands directly

underneath your shoulders and extending first your right leg 

and then your left leg behind you. Lower yourself gently to the

ground with feet separated by at least a hip-width and toes

pointing outwards. Place your folded arms above your head 

with right forearm resting on the left, and relax your forehead

onto the floor or into your arms. Breathe normally as you relax

in this posture and let the energy you have moved within you 

settle in a new way.

21. Come out of the posture when you feel ready by bringing your

feet together, placing your hands under your shoulders and 

pushing back onto your heels and resting in extended

child pose with arms extended. Bring your arms back and

wrap your arms around your legs resting in Child Pose.

Enjoy the peace as you relax a little more.

22. In your own time come into a kneeling position and draw

your palms together in front of your heart. This is a 

wonderful time to reflect and set new intentions.

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