With Christmas quite literally on our doorstep, most of us have a very busy social calendar lined up over the coming weeks. Whilst we all want our skin to look its absolute best as we catch up with friends and family, quite often a few too many late-night festivities can leave our skin looking…well quite lacklustre. Breakouts, dull -looking skin, dry patches and puffiness are all signs that your skin bearing the brunt of all that partying! From late nights, increased alcohol consumption and indulging in delicious food – all of this can take a toll on our complexions.  

Fear not – we have collated some skincare tips for the festive season that will help ensure your skin stays looking its absolute best and brightest throughout the season. 

As you indulge in the festive season’s joys, consider holistic approaches like incorporating Vital Red Light therapy, which has been suggested to have potential benefits for skincare. To learn more about this intriguing technique, you can explore the insights provided in this resource.

Holiday indulgence

OK so who doesn’t love to indulge over the holiday season? Drinking champagne, enjoying rich foods, even wearing makeup for longer periods (or then forgetting to take it off!) can all impact how our skin looks. In can be very easy for our regular beauty or skincare routines to take a backseat as we enjoy the busy party season. As boring as is sounds, try to keep this in mind and combat what you are putting into your body with some healthy alternatives on the days when you are not partying it up. 

Hydration for the win!

Without exception, the most important thing you can do for your skin is to keep it as hydrated as possible. Aside from being vital to the long-term health of our skin, dehydration is a key factor in why skin can look dull and lifeless. 

For a lot of us, the festive season means increased alcohol consumption, which can lead to our bodies being dehydrated – this includes our skin. Alcohol dehydrates our bodies and will lead to tired, dry, dull-looking skin. Drinking as much water as you can will help to combat all those glasses of bubbly at the work Xmas function and help to flush out toxins from your body at the same time!  

Topically speaking, packing your skin with as many hydrating ingredients as you can to help plump up skin that is on the parched side. Serums and sheet masks containing hydration-hero product, Hyaluronic Acid are always a great way to quickly rehydrate the skin and immediately replenish lost moisture. 

Treat yourself and book a skin treatment or facial 

Now is the perfect time to treat yourself to that facial you have had your eye on and are curious to try. Hydrodermabrasion treatments are great at giving the skin a quick pick me up with one of the pluses being the immediate, visible results, making it the ultimate pre-party treatment.  

Hydro microdermabrasion machines work by deeply exfoliating the skin whilst thoroughly clearing out pores, removing blackheads and clearing any build-up of dead skin cells, dirt, excess oil etc. At the same time, skin is nourished and infused with ultra-hydrating fluids to instantly revitalise and nourish tired, dehydrated skin. Skin will appear softer, brighter and more uniform. What’s not to love?

Beauty Sleep

There is a good reason is called beauty sleep folks! Chances are, most of us don’t get enough sleep as it is, parties and functions aside and a lack of sleep is one of the first things to show up on our face. Try to pace yourself throughout the coming weeks and let your body recoup as much as it can by ensuring you give it as much sleep as you can. Try and limit your screen time before bed and try reading a book to unwind on those nights when you are at home. 

Skincare = Selfcare

As much as you can, try to stick to your regular skincare routine. If anything, your skin is going to be in need of some serious TLC in the coming weeks, so try to stick to your regular cleansing, serums, treatments, masks etc. Always, and we mean always, take off your makeup and cleanse your skin after a big night out. Your skin regenerates itself at night and it therefore needs to breath – keeping a handy pack of micellar wipes on your bedside table for emergencies is better than clogged pores and unwanted breakouts!  

Exfoliation is key

Regular exfoliation is the key to keeping your skin smooth, fresh and glowing throughout the party season. Lactic and glycolic acids are both great at sloughing off the dead skin cells to reveal the bright, fresh skin underneath. 

Remember to stop and breath!

If you can – remember to take some time out to practise some self-care. Skin routines are a great example of this, but you can also go for a long walk, take a yoga class or do some breathing or meditation exercises. Whist the holidays can be a joyous time, they can also be extremely stressful so try and remember to slow down when you can! 

Banish those breakouts! 

So, you have a big event coming up and BAM – your skin breaks out. There is nothing worse than battling and ugly breakout, right a time when we want to look our best. Nothing like a nasty pimple to take the zing out of our confidence levels. Fear not we have some sure-fire quick fixes to help.

Spot treatments containing sulfur or benzoyl peroxide can work well to dry out active breakouts that have surfaced overnight. Be careful however, as they have a tendency to dry out the surrounding skin, so try to only apply directly to affected area. 

If you have the time, IPL therapy can be great at zapping those pesky spots that rear their ugly heads. IPL machines kill acne-causing bacteria deep within the skin, targeting the sebaceous glands and stopping them from producing too much sebum or oil. They also help reduce inflammation and redness in the surrounding area as well as assisting with post-inflammatory pigmentation or scars caused by previous acne.

LED light therapy is another great option for treatment of active acne. Blue light works by reducing the sebaceous activity, killing the acne-causing bacteria deep within the skin. Both IPL and LED can be used not only on the face, but also on the décolleté, shoulders and back.


Many functions will be held outside this time of year and chances are there’s going to be some scorching weather coming up. Remember to lather up and slip slop slap on the SPF – regardless of how hot it is outside. The sun’s harmful rays never sleep, even on an overcast day! 

This article was brought to you in partnership with salon suppliers, The Global Beauty Group. To learn more about any of the treatments discussed,contact the team at The Global Beauty Group team on 1300 006 607.

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