The new year is already here and like every beginning of the year, we like to stash all the cheese, wine, and baked goods and recalibrate our diet toward cleaner and healthier choices because January is a good time to help our bodies catch up with a detox diet — It’s also, a good time to think to figure out whether particular foods cause problems for you and to help you focus on clean, easy-on-your-body foods for a few days —

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Caviar Feeling recommends following this detox diet plan with the goal for you to be more in tune with your body, how it responds to the food you eat, and what it likes, dislikes, and needs…. We hope you feel inspired and empowered to take some extra time to cook delicious and nutritious food you’ll love for a natural detox, maybe try a supplement like these detox drops, soak in the tub, go for a walk, meditate, listen to the podcast you love, do a face mask… just take time for you in some way.

What is a Detox Diet?

As you might know (or maybe not) our bodies constantly have to deal with many toxic compounds from the environment, water, food… And we often field ourselves with additional substances that are toxic to us (alcohol, tobacco). According to the Science Daily  “A detox diet cleanse is a dietary regimen involving a change in consumption habits in an attempt to detoxify the body by removal of toxins or other contaminants”

It is claimed to improve:

  • Health
  • Energy
  • Resistance to disease
  • Mental state
  • Digestion
  • Weight loss

Detox plans for weight loss usually suggest that fruits and vegetables compose a majority of one’s food intake.

Limiting or eliminating alcohol is also a major factor, and drinking more water (which helps curb appetite) is similarly recommended.

Critics point out that the human liver, kidneys, lungs and skin have evolved to adequately expel environmental contaminants and are perfectly equipped to continue to do so unassisted.

It has been posited that some fruits and vegetables may actually contain more natural toxins than animal substances such as meat, fish, and milk.

Why Body Detox?

It’s a good way to start the year after consuming more toxic substances than usual, as our bodies can detoxify small amounts of these, but the intention is to give the best detox organs—the liver, skin, lungs, and gut—a chance to catch up and recover.

How Should I Be Feeling on a Detox Diet?

Cutting down substance like caffeine and alcohol isn’t always easy and you may feel bad cutting down some foods that you truly love as well, the good side is that this should go away in a few days.

How Can I Make Sure to Get All the Nutrients I Need?

On a detox diet plan, It’s important to focus on nutrient-rich and unrefined foods — You’ll probably be getting more nutrients anyway than usual because you’ll be cutting out empty calories from sugar, flour, alcohol… The vitamins and antioxidants in whole foods help our body’s detox processes. 

How to Natural Detox Step by Step? 

Detox diet foods to eliminate from your plan

  • Caffeine
  • Alcohol
  • Dairy
  • Gluten
  • Corn
  • Refined sugar
  • Shellfish
  • White rice

Don’t wait until you get hungry 

Prepare plenty of nutritious food ahead of time and you’ll be less desperate and go for whatever’s in the cupboard. Cook recipes that feel good to you. Find snack foods you like and stock up with nut butter, quinoa salad, hummus, mushroom chips…

Be sure to stay hydrated and to take in enough calories and electrolytes

It’s important to drink a lot of water and eat vegetables that are naturally high in potassium, magnesium, and calcium. 

Eat Organic Food if possible 

Organic foods contain less pesticide and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, plus it’s good for both our health and the health of farmworkers and the planet.

Move your body 

It’s important to flush out all those toxins from the body to balance cortisol and keep your body-mind in control.

Eat less meat and more plant foods

Look for wild seafood and vegetarian-fed meats – Here some ideas on how to detox your body and have a healthy detox diet this 2021.

What To Eat for a Detox Diet?

  1. First thing in the morning: Warm lemon water.
  2. Breakfast options: Grain-Free Granola, Raspberry Overnight Oats, Collagen cacao smoothie, Chlorella smoothie, or wholemeal pancakes.
  3. Lunch: Sweet Potato, Quinoa, and Kale Salad, or Cold Noodle Salad with avocado and tofu.
  4. Dinner: Green chicken curry, grilled salmon with Turmeric Cauliflower Rice, Roasted Chicken with a peach salad, Miso Sweet Potato, or Vegetable Broth.
  5. Snacks: Apple and almond butter, Date Balls, or crudités. detox diet


Photographer: Paula Ordovás

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