It might be surprising for some of you, but one of the questions we get asked over and over is, how I get white teeth? As research has shown over the years, smiling has a profound impact linked to mental health within yourself and how you project that image on others. Healthy teeth and gums make all the difference.

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The CF team wanted to find an answer to this question and we had the opportunity to meet Champagne Smile founder Nicola who kindly ran us through a trial test on their incredible treatments.

Champagne Smile’s team of professionals can whiten your smile from 7 up to 14 shades lighter post-treatment. Whilst using the most advanced technology and highest quality materials you can expect a safe, result-driven, and cost-effective treatment.

How Does Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Works?

Nicola prepped our mouths with a natural whitening agent in the form of peroxide gel that gets immediately activated via LED light. We opted for their Triple Treatment, which meant we were in the chair for a total of few rounds and an immediate result. A megawatt grin, which seemed even brighter the day after. To say I was beyond excited would be an understatement I was looking in the mirror and saying to myself wow I have never rocked a smile like this before.

After each treatment, you are provided a complimentary take-home kit, which includes instructions for keeping your pearly whites, for as long as possible. The package comes with the Champagne Smile Gold Whitening Pen, a top-up tool that continues the whitening treatment, and is especially useful in the days post-treatment as the pores of the teeth are still relatively open. You’ll also get 2 deep cleaning teeth wipes sets to replace your toothbrush for 2 brushes post-treatment if needed and a complimentary lippie moisturizer to leave your lips healthy and hydrated in case of experiencing any unusual sensitivity.

Q&A with Nicola Madden, Champagne Smile Director


Is Cosmetic Whitening Safe For Everyone?

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening is safe for the majority of people except for pregnant/breastfeeding women (due to the lack of research) and children under the age of 16. We recommend you have a routine check-up and clean by your dentist prior to your teeth whitening treatment to ensure your teeth are suitable for our treatments and achieve the best possible results.

how i get white teeth
how i get white teeth how i get white teeth how i get white teet white teet


Should We Prepare Our Mouth Before Treatment And Is There Any Downtime After Treatment That People Need To Be Aware Of?

We recommend you do not eat/ drink or smoke for the first 3 hours following your treatment, however, encourage you to drink plenty of water to rehydrate and maximize your results. We then recommend you refrain from stain-causing foods/drinks and smoking (e.g coffee/tea, red wine, curries, berries) for the first 48-72 hours post-treatment to ensure the best results. 


Do You Use Peroxide On Your Treatments? If So, What People Should Know About This Chemical Ingredient?

Using the strongest formula of whitening gels available outside dental offices in Australia, being 6% Hydrogen Peroxide we can assure great results with little to no sensitivity throughout and after your treatment. 


How I Get White Teeth For Longer?

After your initial Triple Treatment or Ultra White Treatment, we strongly recommend you receive a 4-6 week top up for best results. We then recommend a regular top-up treatment every 3-6 months to keep your teeth ‘on point’ all year round! We encourage you to work with your technician to help deliver the results you are looking to achieve.

how i get white teeth white teeth near me white teeth near me


What’s The Correlation Between Coffee And Wine With A Whitey Smile?

In most cases, if you ask yourself how I get white teeth but you are a regular coffee/ tea or red wine drinker your enamel will become more discolored over time resulting in a dull smile. Refraining from these highly colored beverages or simply drinking them through a straw will help prevent staining to your teeth promoting a whiter smile. 


What About Over The Counter And DIY Whitening Kits?

Champagne Smile introduced an effective DIY Kit to help maintain our clients’ results throughout COVID and give a taste to new clients wanting to try our services. Whilst our DIY Kits are effective, our professional in-chair treatments will ensure a white smile in a shorter period of time. Clients will receive a complimentary whitening pen to apply to their teeth following our professional treatments to maximize results. 


Latest Beauty Obsession?

Cosmetic Teeth Whitening! This is how I get white teeth and will forever be my latest beauty obsession. I mean, who doesn’t love a white smile? 

how i get white teeth how i get white teeth


Favourite Part Of Your Job?

There is no doubt, my favorite part of my job is meeting so many beautiful people and creating new friendships! Since establishing Champagne Smile in 2016 I have not only gained new clients but life long friends and this is something very special to me!


Any Extra Boss Babe Tips?

I live by the quote “You get what you work for not what you wish for”. I missed out on a lot of my ‘fun’ teenage years while establishing Champagne Smile and I am so proud of how far my company has come already. The sky is the limit! 

If you need more information on how you can take better care of your teeth, it’s best to visit a dental expert like this dentist who offers oral surgery in Marlborough MA.

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