Many people enjoy a sweet refreshing drink, but with up to nine teaspoons of sugar in a single 12oz can of soda, the instant gratification that sugary drinks provide can become addicting. Unfortunetely, too much sugar in our diets puts us at risk for a number of health problems, from heart disease to raised cholesterol.

If you’re looking for healthier alternatives to sugary drinks, but don’t want to compromise on taste, this list of healthy alternatives are for you.

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Best Healthier Drink Choices


It may sound boring, but water remains the original and the best drink for everyone. The human body is made up of around 60% water, so drinking enough is vital for optimal health and vitality. If you’re used to enjoying sweeter beverages, water can taste a little too plain, but there are different ways to enjoy water, lots of which can be made naturally sweet.

Infused Water

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to jazz up simple tap water. Adding a splash of fresh fruit juice can bring sweetness without the sugar content of pure fruit juice, which can be detrimental to tooth health if consumed too frequently. Infusing water for a few hours with slices of lemon and lime adds beneficial antioxidants and is very refreshing. Or, you could try either option with sparkling water to replicate the fizzy sensation of soda.

Mineral Water

Another great alternative to soda or other sugary drinks is mineral water. Taken from natural springs or made by adding nutrients and carbonising standard water, this elite form of water is fortified with calcium, magnesium sulphate and sodium sulphate. Studies have shown that drinking mineral water can lower blood pressure, as it promotes a positive shift in cholesterol levels.

Coconut Water

For a natural dose of sweetness, try coconut water. As a natural source of potassium and other electrolytes, which are essential for efficient muscle and nerve function, coconut water is a great option as a post-workout recovery drink.


Tea has been enjoyed for centuries by multiple cultures for its health benefits and delicious taste. Tea comes in many varieties, with some herbal options possessing health benefits such as boosted immunity and protection against diseases such as cancer. Many herbal teas also contain antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

From crisp green tea to fruity blackcurrant infusions, traditional black tea and hundreds of options in between, tea is an extremely versatile drink that suits all seasons and occasions. Trying different flavours can be a fun way to ease yourself away from classic soda, and if you need a little sweetness try adding a drop or two of honey rather than processed sugar. Whether you enjoy it hot or iced, tea is a drink well worth exploring.

Give Yourself Time To Adjust

If you’re used to drinking a large amount of sugary drinks, you’ll need to adjust your diet slowly to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Making an effort to shift more of your drinks to sugar-free or naturally sweetened options over time is the best way to explore which alternatives suit you best.

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