Isabella Loneragan is one of the top skin therapists in Australia trained in Advanced Facial Sculpture Massage and the Buccal Massage techniques, also known as Meghan Markle’s facial of choice (called the Intrinsic Facial by her clinic (The Dermal Diary) we spoke with her, and she gave us her expert top tips on the new normal all things acne and skincare.

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5 Tips To Treat Acne

1. Drink Water Buccal Massage

Focus on drinking at least 1.5 liters of water every day, I do this by filling it up a drink bottle first thing in the morning. She usually try to finish it before lunch as otherwise it’s easy to forget.

2. Masking Buccal Massage

Aim to start exfoliating and masking twice a week moving forward. A Fruit Enzyme Mask like, The Derma Diary Superfruit Reveal is a great option as it’s very gentle but super effective! Then follow it up with a probiotic mask. The Dream Mask is a sleep-in mask which is ultra-convenient, as it works its magic overnight.

3. Start to use Retinol Buccal Massage

Look at introducing retinol into your regime if you haven’t already! The Dermal Diary have designed one specifically for breakout-prone skin called Racne , which will penetrate into the follicles and also work on the pink scars you get from pimples.

4. Cut the sugar

It just creates dull, lifeless, and lackluster skin! We’ve all been guilty of overindulging whilst in lockdown so it’s time to reduce your sugar intake.

5. Introduce EFAs – Essential fatty acids

Introduce EFAs – Essential fatty acids – into the diet. OMEGA3 supplements are an amazing source, as is oily fish like salmon. Add a Zinc supplement into your morning routine as it will reduce inflammation. Considering acne is an inflammatory condition, zinc is very important. 

Sydneysiders who have been counting the days until their next facial can now book appointments for one of The Dermal Diary’s signature facials. All first time clients must attend a highly specialised consultation and skin analysis so the facial can be tailored specifically to your needs. 

Facial Near Me

Looking for a Facial Experience?

Their Signature Facial Experience is a great option if you want to have a facial to treat your acne. An immersive 45-minute treatment that blends bespoke skin analysis with the latest in skin science, along with holistic massage therapy to improve cell turnover (price $250). facials for acne

This facial is supercharged by cutting-edge ultrasonic technology, which uses powerful low-frequency waves to effectively and gently boost collagen, elastin and reduce fine lines, and increase the penetrative power of the vitamin infusion. This treatment culminates with a focus on the eyes, incorporating a hyper-penetrative eye lifting treatment to visibly firm and lift the delicate skin surrounding the upper cheeks and crows feet. The Signature Dermal Diary facial incorporates acclaimed methods from internationally renowned massage expert, Yakov Gershkovich, serving to aid skin elasticity, proven to improve lymphatic drainage and stimulating cell turnover. Buccal massage

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