Our skin is our largest organ, and a good percentage of what we put on it gets absorbed by the body. Products that we use all over—from shower gel to hand wash, and sunscreen—can impact our toxic load to a greater degree damaging our body and hands hygiene. Something like hand wash might seem less problematic because it’s washed off, but because you apply it to skin that’s wet—and thus significantly more absorptive, your exposure can be more extensive than you might think.

Unfortunately, as most of us are aware, conventional body products tend to lack transparency, thus, we can’t know what’s in them. Parabens, phthalates, preservatives, plastics, irritants, and known endocrine disruptors are perfectly legal, and they don’t have to be disclosed throughout ingredient labels.

Is there anything more luxurious than smooth and hydrated hands? We think not, and moreover, I’m sure we can all agree that our hands hygiene has become a global priority throughout the last few months, isn’t it right? Hear us out, the feeling goes even better when you indulge your skin with a natural hand wash that leaves you feeling nourished and healthy, without stripping it of its natural oils. Instead of using harsh chemical formulas, try using products sourced from organic ingredients.

Hands Hygiene

This is the thing: At CF we like to have the information we need to make our own conscious choices. Sometimes those decisions revolve around fuelling our bodies with super clean, almost monastic meals; sometimes those decisions revolve around a grilled cheese and fries. It’s about choice. It’s about controlling our lifestyle.

So what does this have to do with personal care? We believe in clean, nontoxic beauty here at CF as the core of our everyday choices, as we mentioned before everything you’ll put in your skin will stay there no matter how small the amount of product you decide to choose.

What is the importance of hands hygiene?

Baresop is a luxurious clean yet organic hand wash alternative for your hands hygiene.

A Melbourne based zero-waste start-up that helps you reduce the amount of single-use plastic waste by delivering at home compostable sachets of hand and body powder to liquid concentrate and a post-consumer refillable bottle to your door. Understanding customer’s lifestyles with products designed to uplift their lifestyle and make it easy, convenient, and affordable for everyone while making an impact on our beautiful planet.

hands hygiene
hands hygiene

A couple of years ago, frustrated to find an easy solution to reduce her plastic waste on all things hands hygiene and personal care products, Prisca (baresop founder) went on a personal journey to find out why there were no simple and easy to use solutions here in the Australian market. She then went on a two-year journey to find a way to cut out the water, the result? Luxe yet affordable plant-based hand soap and body powder concentrate delivered in a certified home compostable sachet. And so, combining a zero-waste solution that’s better for you and the planet, baresop is taking your hands hygiene and beyond one step further than you, your parents, and grandparents used to.

baresop products are Australian made with plant-derived ingredients, palm oil, and cruelty-free, and yes, all their packaging is made from recycled waste that you can either recycle or home compost, also their prints are always made by vegetable inks. That’s not all, my friends, at baresop they take every single detail into account, using a concentrated formula meaning they cut a huge percentage of carbon emission from making, transporting, and storing our products. We couldn’t be asking for anything more to upgrade our hands hygiene, am I right?


hands hygiene

How to wash your hands with baresop?

Follow these 3 easy steps for optimal hands hygiene:

1. Grab a bottle with a foaming pump and add 300ml of warm water to it.

2. Tip in the contents of one sachet, close, and shake for 30 seconds.

3. Your organic hand wash is ready to use!

At baresop they offer a starter kit that comes with, 300 ml refillable bottle dispensers and 1 compostable hand wash powder set of sachets, making it the perfect companion for a single sink home. 

Have I mentioned our obsession with ingredients at CF? I’m sure I have, but in case you missed it, yes, we love a good ingredient label that is easily readable for everyone, same as the team at baresop taking transparency as one of their core values.

Here’s a list of our favourite 3 ingredients from the baresop range

1. Citric Acid: A safe acid found in citrus plants such as lemons and oranges and has a natural cleansing ability. Tough on the bad stuff but gentle on your skin.

2. Lavender Flower Essential Oil: This is what makes baresop formula smell so good. Using just the right amount to give you and your hands that gentle and pleasant whiff of essential oil scent.

3. Mandarin Rind Essential Oil: And this is the one that makes it smell like fresh Oranges and a trip to your grandpas’ orchard.

In Partnership with our friends at baresop